Asuk and Masuk

Asuk ile Masuk represents a type of story found in traditional Turkish folk literature that revolves around the theme of love. “Asuk” generally refers to the name of the male lover, while “Masuk” symbolizes the name of the female lover. These stories typically explore emotional themes such as love, affection, loyalty, and sacrifice, often built upon contrasts. Such stories convey the different aspects of love and affection, sometimes in dramatic and other times in a humorous manner, reaching the audience.

US Karagoz Theatre Company brings the play “Asuk ile Masuk” to the stage as a two-person body puppet show, which is a part of the village theatrical performances that have a history spanning over a century in Anatolia. The bodies of the two performers are painted as faces, and their heads are covered with a hat-like cloth. Accompanied by music, this “short play” narrates a comical love story, promising the audience a highly enjoyable performance.

First introduced at the National Puppetry Festival in 2018, the play has been subsequently showcased at various theaters such as Off-Off-Broadway’s La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club and the Black Cherry Puppet Theatre, Fussy Cloud Puppet Slam.

For all ages. Running time: 6 minutes

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